Infants grow at a phenomenal rate. Therefore nighttime feedings are inevitable.
In the early months, your breasts can become engorged if you go for a few hours without feeding your baby. And sometimes babies have trouble nursing on full or engorged breasts. So nighttime nursing will and should continue for a few months after the baby is born.
The most useful breastfeeding skill I have ever mastered is nursing while lying down. After a ton of experiments and a pile of pillows, I have finally found a position that works great for me and my toddler. Finding a position to nurse while lying down will allow you to bring your baby into your bed at night and you and baby both can drift off into la la land quicker and easier. Some people prefer not to have their baby in their bed. I used to be one of these people. However, after a few months of looking like a cast member from “Night of the Living Zombies“, I decided it was time to try co-sleeping. What a wonderful night that was. Nighttime nursing in bed also allows for more skin to skin contact between mother and baby. Most babies love the closeness. Although many people worry, it is generally safe. Even the smallest baby can move his head in some way to let you know if something is obstructing their breathing.
After a few months or a few years, your baby will eventually begin to sleep through the night. Don’t fret if your baby does not sleep through the night at the same time the book you are reading says he should. Every baby is different. Your baby will sleep all night long when the time is right for him. Some babies beg into sleep all night long, then begin to wake up again. Needs to change and so will your baby’s sleeping pattern. So don’t stress if you and your nursing toddler are still sharing a little extra nighttime cuddling. For many toddlers, this is the last nursing time to give up. Just look at it as an extra few minutes of Heaven.