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The Fertility Bible: TCOYF (Taking Charge of Your Fertility)

Brenda Albano

October 20, 2019

I highly recommend this book to every woman of childbearing age. Ignorance is not bliss and Toni Weschler does an excellent job of teaching all about the female reproductive system and how to use nature for birth control and pregnancy achievement.

When I first began to learn about charting fertility signs and symptoms I had no idea what I was doing. I tried to take my basal body temperatures with a fever thermometer before I conceived my 2nd baby. I’d write my temperatures down on a calendar and never could make heads or tails out of it. I conceived my 2nd baby without really trying and it was during my conception journey with number three that lead to learn about proper charting.

I had come across a website that sold pregnancy tests and had interactive forums. I began conversing with other women on the same journey and found them often referring to TCOYF. This was Greek to me, so when I inquired about TCOYF I received a resounding response – Taking Charge Of Your Fertility by Toni Weschler. Of course, not wanting to be in the dark I quickly ordered my copy of this famous and often quoted book and was well on my way.

Once I received the book I devoured its information – confirming it with other sources and learning all about my reproductive cycle. I was so amazed I kept on learning and it led me to write about the subject. In short, I read TCOYF and conceived my third baby using Toni’s advice. I highly recommend the book if you are serious about natural family planning or fertility awareness.

This book is truly the fertility bible. If there ever was one purchase I made that I will never regret it is this book. I bought this book in 1998 when I began the journey of conceiving my 3rd baby. My main desire was to learn all I could about my reproductive cycle and body and believe me, this book taught me!

Toni details the fertility cycle explaining how to use charting to either achieve or avoid pregnancy. She goes even further with chapters detailing infertility issues and menopause.

There is an appendix in the back of the book detailing every aspect of charting and fertility conditions. There is also a well-supplied glossary packed full of terms from A to Z. And there are charts to copy in the very back of the book.

I highly recommend this book to every woman of childbearing age. Ignorance is not bliss and Toni Weschler does an excellent job of teaching all about the female reproductive system and how to use nature for birth control and pregnancy achievement.

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