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Progesterone Cream for Estrogen Dominance
Estrogen dominance indicates the amount of circulating estrogen. It is more related to the ratio of estrogen and progesterone collectively. At the menopausal phase estrogen levels fall by 40% while progesterone level drops up to 90%. The reason for this progesterone drop is the malfunctioning of luteal phase follicle remnants which ultimately result in insufficient progesterone production in menopausal age. Follicles are no longer maturing to eggs so progesterone is not manufactured/released.
Younger women with healthy menstrual cycles have enough progesterone in each cycle, from the production of a mature egg while menopausal women or females with gynaecological concerns, such as PCOS, luteal phase defect or other issues have low progesterone levels that result in anovulation.
Menopausal women may believe their body is showing symptoms of progesterone dominance and they spend time searching for information regarding progesterone dominance symptoms. While once again it is really a game of estrogen dominance; their body is deficient in the progesterone hormone.
Symptoms of Estrogen Dominance
Progesterone is a precursor of the hormones that are essential for both men and women. These hormones play a role in bone development, cognitive functioning, sleep habits and blood sugar control along with energy production. Kindly read more about Symptoms of Progesterone Dominance and Progesterone Deficiency: Learn What To Do When You Have It.
The most common symptoms shown in estrogen dominance and progesterone deficient menopausal women are
- Mood swings
- Irregular periods
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
- Vaginal dryness
- Exacerbated PMS
- Uterine fibroids
- Decreased libido
- Weight gain at hip, abdomen and thighs
- Breast tenderness
- Osteoporosis
- Thinning of scalp hair
- Increased facial hair
- Irritability, fatigue
- Sleep disturbance
- Anxiety, depression
How to Check Whether You Have Progesterone Deficiency or Not?
If you are a female of menopausal age or a young lady with gynaecological indications like PCOS or other menstrual cycle concerns it is recommended that you have your hormones tested at least once to give you a baseline.
Blood sampling and urine testing are performed in clinical laboratories to check the hormone levels. This method is more invasive and many show reluctance toward it but don’t know of other methods. The most accurate and feasible method of hormone test is the saliva test which is non-invasive, quick and simple and can be done in the privacy of your home. For those paying out of pocket, this is also the least expensive approach.
The Beyond Fertility Shop has ZRT saliva hormone test kits which are designed as a one-step test for accurate results. With the ZRT saliva test kit, there is no need for doctor appointments and comes with a report of findings; complete with suggestions. You open the kit, spit into the plastic tube and send it back to the lab and wait for a week for results.
Unlike other saliva kits, the ZRT saliva home hormone test kit does not pool the sampling to get average measurements. You just have to spit in the morning (because the hormonal surge is at its peak). You may get the ZRT Saliva Hormone test kits for a variety of hormones and combinations in our store.
How to Curb Estrogen Dominance and Progesterone Deficiency?
There are self-help ways to help with estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency.
For estrogen dominance, non-pharmacological or physiological approaches are important since lifestyle modifications can help menopausal females to lower estrogen levels, naturally and without side effects.
For improving progesterone level progesterone creams are the most popular natural option for reducing the symptoms of progesterone deficiency and estrogen dominance. B6 and limiting dairy in your diet can be helpful as well. For some, dairy can raise prolactin which in turn suppresses ovulation and progesterone.
HRT (hormonal replacement therapy) is also a current trend of help in estrogen dominance and progesterone deficiency but comes with a number of side effects. BHRT (bio-identical hormone therapy) is the recommended natural approach by alternative therapy practitioners.
What Does Progesterone Cream Do?
Basically, applying progesterone cream to thin skin areas of the body at certain times in the cycle (ovulation to menses) is as simple as it gets to naturally approaching progesterone deficiency. Using a bio-available, bioidentical progesterone cream has the same influence upon the body. This method can also be applied to menopausal concerns, using higher amounts and for more days of each month. For this purpose different menopausal creams are prepared with higher concentrations and possibly additional herbal extracts for specific concerns.
Meno Balance Cream and PMS Balance Cream are perfect examples of a higher concentration of USP progesterone and herbal additions. The bioi-dentical progesterone is converted from Mexican wild yam and can be used for alleviating PMS and menopausal symptoms.
MenoBalance / PMS Balance Cream supports the body’s processes transdermally. It is taken in through the skin by way of essential oils and aloe vera. As MenoBalance and PMS Balance are transdermal supplements, they do not interfere in the processes involving the liver and the digestive tract. You can find both progesterone creams at the Beyond Fertility Shop.