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Perimenopause: Know More About the Symptoms and Natural Remedies

Brenda Albano

January 23, 2022

Perimenopause Know More About the Symptoms and Natural Remedies


Perimenopause is the onset of a decline of those hormones in the female body that control the onset of regular periods and cycles. The two prominent hormones involved in period regulation are progesterone and estrogen. The decreasing levels of these hormones have a great impact on a person’s life so the subject is of prime importance to medical experts.

What is Perimenopause?

The literal meaning of perimenopause is near menopause. Perimenopause is used to describe the time leading up to menopause during which the body undergoes numerous changes as it prepares itself for menopause. It is a significant time period because menopause is the end of the reproductive cycle in women.

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Some experts refer to this phase as the transition between being reproductively active and menopause. The most remarkable change occurs as the level of estrogen produced by the ovaries decreases dramatically. Low estrogen levels then manifest in a range of new symptoms.

When Does Perimenopause Start?

The start of perimenopause is triggered by the decrease in the production of estrogen by the ovaries, which typically occurs when a woman is in her 40s. However, there isn’t a particular age or period when an individual can start experiencing perimenopause symptoms. The symptoms mostly appear in the mid-40s but can appear as early the 30s If you have LPD, luteal phase defect, don’t give up too easily. Sometimes tweaking the luteal phase through herbal supplements such as Fertile Lady can bring back balance to the follicular and luteal phases and lengthen the cycle in a healthy way.

How Long Does Perimenopause Last?

Like its onset, there is no defined time frame that perimenopause lasts. It varies in individuals due to many factors. On average, perimenopause can last for up to 4 years. The variation in this average time frame can be a few months for some women or it can be as long as a decade. The question arises: how can the end of perimenopause be marked? The answer is simple: if a woman does not get a regular period for the last 12 months it marks the end of perimenopause and menopause begins from there.

Symptoms of Perimenopause

Now that we know what perimenopause is and when it starts and how long it lasts, we should learn about the signs and symptoms of perimenopause that a woman may experience during her transition period to menopause. The probable symptoms of perimenopause are:

  • Loss of Regular Period

A low level of estrogen causes erratic ovulation in a woman. Inability to predict ovulation also affects the time between consecutive periods as well as the duration of periods. The periods may become longer than usual or smaller than normal periods. The flow during perimenopause may become unusually heavy or light because of fluctuation in hormone levels. This is a common and the most obvious symptom to predict perimenopause.

Experts believe if a woman has a persistent change of seven days or more in the length of her menstrual cycle and the time between consecutive periods is more than two months then the phase is most probably late-perimenopause.

Perimenopause supplements can help in maintaining regular periods and they can also address the associated symptoms of perimenopause.

  • Insomnia

Insomnia is a common symptom of perimenopause. Insomnia is indirectly caused by the fluctuation in hormone levels which causes hot flashes and night sweats. It can also directly affect the sleep routine and alter the sleeping routine by making it unpredictable.

While supplements can assist in warding off symptoms, lifestyle changes such as a regular sleeping routine and learning how to fall asleep can also help greatly in improving insomnia related to perimenopause age.

  • Hot Flashes

Another very common symptom of perimenopause are hot flashes. In a hot flash, the body is flushed and sweats profusely for a few minutes. Although hot flashes are common in women experiencing perimenopause, their frequency and intensity vary from person to person. Some women report that during hot flashes their body temperature increases slightly while others experience get soaked in their sweat during sleep (confusingly phrased) intense episodes of night sweating.

Hot flashes can be avoided by taking natural perimenopause supplements. Hot flashes are sometimes triggered by by spicy food, high temperatures, and hot drinks.

  • Mood Swings

Perimenopause is a leading cause of increased irritability, depression, and frequent mood swings in women. An explanation of frequent mood changes can be disturbed sleep cycles because of the night sweats and hot flashes.

At times, mood changes can be directly initiated by the changes in overall hormone levels in the body.Women who experience frequent mood swings during PMS are expected to experience mood swings at greater frequency during perimenopause..

  • Vaginal Issues

Decreasing estrogen levels sets the perimenopause clock. Lower estrogen levels affect the tissues that form the lining of the vagina. The changes in the texture of tissues translate into the loss of lubrication and flexibility of the tissue lining of the vagina. It makes intercourse painful and less pleasurable.

Low levels of estrogen and changes in the tissue lining of the vagina and bladder make it easier to be infected with disease-causing bacteria of the bladder and vagina. Urinary incontinence can also be a symptom of perimenopause if the tissues of the bladder lose control because of the changes in their texture.

Perimenopause is a normal phenomenon and it is accompanied by irregular periods. But if the bleeding is heavier than normal and lasts for more than a week then it is advised to consult your healthcare provider and seek medical attention.

Natural Remedies and Supplements for Perimenopause Symptoms

Some useful remedies deemed helpful by satisfied customers are:

Menopause Complex: An herbal supplement for pre and post-menopause which helps in the relief of moods swings, hot flashes, and night sweats. It comes from the finest and natural herb extracts.

MenoBalance Cream: One of the best natural remedies for menopause and a perimenopause relief cream that’s non-comedogenic and soy, gluten, and fragrance-free. It is recommended for women who are experiencing menopause symptoms.

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