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PCOS Weight Gain
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a highly prevalent hormonal disorder in women that implies severe short and long term consequences to female health, including alarming rates of infertility and abnormal weight gain. The disorders normally affect women in their childbearing age and can be a precursor to many health problems. PCOS weight gain is the most serious outcome of this disease. According to modern studies, approximately one out of ten women experience this disorder in their fertility age. Excessive production of androgen results in an imbalance in the hormone levels and leads to developing the symptoms of PCOS. Discover how a PCOS diet plan can help women with PCOS symptoms of reproductive age and especially the ones looking forward to conceiving must lookout for this condition. This article provides an insight into the problems associated with PCOS and in particular about the PCOS weight gain.
Does Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Cause Weight Gain?
PCOS not only affects the reproductive system but takes a toll on overall health as well. Weight problems have been increasingly linked to this syndrome and everyone wants to know if Polycystic Ovary Syndrome causes weight gain. Studies suggest an interesting relationship between increased insulin levels in PCOS patients and weight gain. Insulin plays an important role in PCOS and insulin resistance is significantly high in almost all PCOS patients. The disorder not only affects ovaries but also messes with the hormone balance and often causes insulin resistance. Hormonal imbalance and insulin resistance make it difficult for patients to shed weight. PCOS itself might result in more weight gain and increased weight means more PCOS symptoms.
Why Does PCOS Cause Weight Gain?
General PCOS symptoms include irregular or no menstruation, unwanted facial hair, and of course an increased weight and overall BMI (body to mass index). Polycystic ovary syndrome starts during puberty and continues to develop throughout a woman’s reproductive years. The manifestations of the disease are not confined to the gynecological sphere. Usually, discussions on PCOS tend to focus on irregular menstrual periods, infertility, and weight gain. So, one can ask why does PCOS cause weight gain, and what causes PCOS weight gain? Well, we have attempted to better explain the answers in the following paragraphs.
Insulin Resistance in PCOS Leads to PCOS Weight Gain
Studies suggest that generally, PCOS patients have insulin resistance i.e. their bodies have lesser ability to process blood sugars and carbohydrates. Insulin resistance can cause sugars and glucose to build up in the bloodstream leading to PCOS weight gain. A research conducted on insulin resistance and PCOS suggests that almost all women with PCOS also have insulin resistance and as a result, higher incidences of weight gain. It is a vicious cycle.
Hormone Imbalance can also Increase Weight
Additionally, weight gain occurs mainly due to excessive production of male hormones so its effect is generally on the abdomen. Men tend to carry weight in this part of the body so instead of having a pear shape, women with PCOS usually have more of an apple shape. Abdominal fat is a highly unwanted type of fat in the body for it is associated with increased risks of heart diseases. PCOS-related weight gain can be detrimental to women’s health and women with PCOS are more likely to develop various health problems associated with weight gain and insulin resistance including, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type-2 diabetes, and sleep apnea. Dim is one of the most potent supplements for women that may help with PCOS symptoms and hormone imbalance.
Eating disorders
Sometimes, PCOS patients undergo emotional issues, such as mood swings and depression. Weight gain can be linked to increased food cravings and emotional eating as well.
How Does PCOS Cause Weight Gain?
PCOS disorder creates an imbalance in the hunger hormones as well and causes the blood sugar levels to rise and crash throughout the day. Resultantly, many women with PCOS develop eating disorders because of the sudden feelings of hunger they experience. Consumption of a large quantity of food or too many simple carbs throughout the day when the body has insulin resistance as well, may result in building up of fats and sugars in the bloodstream and lead to weight gain. Studies suggest that eating habits and daily life routines of PCOS patients are determining factors for weight gain and other symptoms. Poor dietary choices and hormonal imbalance are the reason for how PCOS causes weight gain.
Progesterone Cream for PCOS
Progesterone is a hormone that is naturally produced in the body. Progesterone levels rise and fall throughout the cycle and reach a peak after ovulation. Progesterone levels increase 200 to 300 times once ovulation is done and the egg has been released. So, if ovulation does not happen the progesterone levels drop down and estrogen levels go up and PCOS patients become estrogen dominant. It is often presumed that bio-identical progesterone cream can be used for hormone balance in a number of health problems related to menstrual periods; PCOS included. Studies suggest interesting results for the use of bio-identical progesterone cream to counterbalance estrogen dominance and manage PCOS symptoms. It also suggests that bio-identical progesterone cream might be useful for maintaining weight and helping with other disease symptoms in women of all ages.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a unique health condition and may cause weight gain in patients. Due to hormonal imbalance, the traditional dieting technique seems to be less effective to reduce the weight of PCOS patients. An impressive diet plan is required not only to reduce the gained weight but also to contain the disease symptoms. Studies have been carried out to analyze the dietary effect on reduced weight in PCOS patients and results are quite interesting that certain diet composition impacts differently in different patients with PCOS symptoms. Research suggests that cruciferous vegetables, anti-inflammatory, low-carb and high-fiber foods may result in positive health effects on women with polycystic disorder. A small study recommends 25 grams of fiber intake per day in a PCOS diet for significant results. A PCOS-diet plan may include cauliflower, broccoli, strawberry, and blueberries for effective weight loss.
How to Lose Weight with PCOS?
Extensive research has been conducted to analyze the impact of weight loss on improvement in symptoms of PCOS. The study suggests that even a small weight loss (as small as 5%) may improve menstrual cycles, insulin resistance, fertility, and overall quality of life in women with PCOS. Hence, it is important to know how PCOS patients can shed their weight quickly to relieve PCOS symptoms even quicker. Insulin resistance and progesterone-estrogen imbalance along with other complexities make it very hard for PCOS patients to shed weight. A healthy diet plan and drinking lots of water daily is recommended for faster weight loss and is thought to be helpful to keep the disease symptoms from getting worse.
A quicker weight loss may be achieved by restricting the food intake to low-carb and high-fiber foods. According to a small scale study, 57 women on low carbohydrate and high-fiber diets were observed to have significant weight loss. Foods with a low-glycemic index are recommended as a filler in the PCOS patient’s diet plan. Low-GI foods have very little effect on increasing the blood sugars and they take time to be digested so your stomach remains full even after the meal, which may help with weight loss in women with PCOS. Swift weight loss can be best achieved through a combination of lifestyle changes – a healthy diet and physical activity.