Normal spotting (or normal reasons for spotting) are what may occur at the very end of your bleeding days. A day or two of spotting after 3 to 5 days of bleeding is normal. It is just the end of the bleeding period when your progesterone has already dropped and the blood is finishing the trek down the cervix.
Spotting before your menstruation is common but not ideal. A period ideally should freely flow once started, but sometimes progesterone drops more slowly. Sometimes there is a smaller buildup of the endometrial lining, and the proportion of estrogen to progesterone is a little off.
Spotting that occurs in the middle of your cycle or spotting that occurs some ten to fourteen days prior to the start of the next cycle is considered normal spotting, too. This spotting may occur during ovulation. Seeing a spot of blood around ovulation is considered an excellent fertility sign by many experts. The term is called Mittelschmerz when you have a twinge of pain around the ovary and is often followed by a tiny bit of spotting within a few days. This is not considered spotting before a period since it is really spotting AFTER ovulation.
It is thought that mid-cycle spotting occurs for one of two reasons. The first reason is possibly that when the egg bursts through the follicle, a little bleeding may occur. This blood will then make its way out and show up as spots.
Or, during ovulation, the level of estrogen rises, and this sometimes prompts the uterus to shed a bit of lining, which shows up in the form of spots.
Spotting that occurs about a week before the cycle is due – and only lasts for less than one day- is possibly considered implantation spotting. This happens as a result of the fertilized egg burrowing into the uterine lining. Another reason for seeing implantation spotting may be due to a slight rise in estrogen and drop in progesterone before the corpus luteum takes over the production of progesterone.
The corpus luteum takes over the production when the implanted fertilized egg signals the body that pregnancy has occurred and that the lining must be maintained. Keep in mind that spotting that continues for days is not implantation spotting. This is not a normal spotting. See our page: Reasons for Spotting.
If you have “normal spotting” often, it may be time to have your hormones checked or consider supplementing with a little natural progesterone cream. You might be at the beginning of a hormone imbalance.
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