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Fertility Awareness: Natural Planning Fertility

Brenda Albano

October 15, 2019

I’m a strong advocate of naturally planning fertility – be it for birth control or conceiving. In the twenty-first century the term “infertility” is very prevalent.

In the modern countries of the world, there are more women now than ever facing infertility problems (the inability to conceive). More and more physicians are prescribing drugs like Clomid (Clomiphene Citrate) to help women ovulate. Clomid helps women to ovulate, but the side effects are detrimental to conception, such as no fertile-quality cervical fluid and unbalanced reproductive hormones. These drugs, along with the popular use of chemical birth control (pills, shots, and patches) have taken a toll on the reproductive hormones, and as a result, there are more miscarriages and/or infertility among couples. Conception has taken on more of a “medical” role than a natural role. The truth is there is a better way of approaching fertility and that is a natural way.

The female human body is remarkable. We are built to conceive and to give birth. If we only allow our bodies to do things naturally, and not fill them with preservatives and chemicals, we wouldn’t have near as many problems in the area of reproduction. The key to understanding our bodies is through education and awareness. Don’t just take one person’s word or opinion at anything, but research it out for yourself and take control of your body and your fertility.

I have been promoting natural fertility for several years now after seeing what the horrible results of taking chemical birth control pills did to my own body. I began to study about human reproduction and was amazed at how well the body works, how intricate the hormones are, and how, if they are out of balance the entire body suffers. I found out through natural means why I had preterm labor and premature births and why I suffered from early miscarriages.

How did I discover all of this? I learned the art of fertility charting. This was an eye-opener when I truly put into practice the daily charting of my fertility signs.

It is possible with just a paper chart and a basal body thermometer to learn how to pinpoint ovulation and to discover if there may be a problem. It’s also important to chart the cervical fluid and the cervical position as well as the basal body temperature. These things may take time to learn to properly identify the correct procedures and timing. It’s a matter of getting to know your body and how it works. Give yourself at least three months to learn how to properly chart your fertility signs and symptoms.

Once you master the fine art of fertility charting, you can then learn to identify any minor infertility and correct it using natural means such as herbs and vitamins. It’s really that simple and so often overlooked by the mainstream medical practices. Learning to effectively chart all your fertility signs can help you to pinpoint ovulation and become pregnant faster and can help you to identify minor infertility. It is also the best means of natural birth control.

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