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6 Luteal Phase Defect Helps

brenda albano

September 29, 2019

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1. Making your cycles as healthy as possible is the best answer. Read our articles about Cleansing for TTC and Juicing for TTC for the healthiest luteal phase defect treatment for you and your future baby.

2. Finding out how your hormones are working is the first step to finding out what you need to do. That starts with knowing your hormones strengths and weaknesses. As we have mentioned in previous posts, ZRT home hormone test kits are non-invasive and inexpensive for getting a baseline of where your journey starts in TTC, whether you suspect trouble or just as a starting line. Tracking your fertility with the Fertility Tracker or Digital Basal Thermometer for Temping works well to show what your body is doing each month as well.

3. Natural Progesterone Cream is the most common suggestion for luteal phase defects because it is quick, safe and natural. Progesterone cream is also very inexpensive and easy to apply. Remember to check with your doctor if you have any immediate concerns, but be sure to find a physician who is knowledgeable about natural health options. He or she may not be familiar with natural progesterone cream and cause alarm over something that is so natural to your body. The progesterone in Cycle Balance and Happy PMS Creams is bio-identical to the progesterone your body would manufacture if it were at its best. Using 20-25 mg per application, twice per day, is recommended for this type of therapy. Progesterone cream will provide the progesterone you need until about the 12th week, when your baby’s placenta should have formed sufficiently. Using progesterone cream until weeks 36-38 has many other benefits as well. At whatever time you choose, be sure to wean off the progesterone cream slowly. Read more about progesterone on this site. See this other site, Infertility Workshop about something called the NPC Shutdown.

4. B6 is the vitamin your body needs in order to manufacture its own progesterone; among other nutrients. At Beyond Fertility, we subscribe to an all natural approach and recommend finding your vitamins and minerals in food form whenever possible. Bee Pollen and Nutritional Yeast, as well as brown rice, are excellent sources of B6.

5. Whole Family Products has a wonderful supplement called Female Hormone Balance. It is made for the sake of restoring balance to the hormones. For those who are older and looking for luteal phase defect remedies more suited to women in the pre-menopausal years who are trying to conceive, you may consider Fertile Lady a Natural Alternative for Libido Enhancement and Luteal Phase Support.

6. We do not subscribe to the use of Clomid or Serophene since they are dangerous to the ovaries, have a high incidence of ovarian cancer, or cause other harm. See the articles about Clomid and its dangers. Read more about this time of prescription at the Infertility Workshop blog about Clomid.

Fertile lady Helps Lengthen Luteal Phase Infographics

Visit Beyond Fertility Shop for products mentioned in this article and the Luteal Phase tag for more articles on this subject.  You see, it is simple. There are not a lot of answers for Luteal Phase Defect Helps and the natural approaches are certainly the best.

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