Cervix positioning is important when trying to conceive. The cervix is the narrow, lower part of the uterus that joins with the upper wall of the vagina. It is cylindrical in shape. (Picture a toilet paper roll.) Knowing what your cervix positioning is at any given point during the month can aid in determining when you are most fertile.
Checking Cervix Positioning?
As a cycle evolves and a woman begins to ovulate, her cervix becomes soft, open, wet, and high. After the ovulation period ends, the cervix becomes firm, closed, dry, and low. If you want to find out when you are ovulating and at your most fertile point, you need to become familiar with how your cervix feels both before, during, and immediately after ovulation.
Don’t be put off. It is your own body and it is very natural, as well, as simple.
First, it is important that you thoroughly wash your hands and trim your nails as you do not want to introduce any kind of bacteria to the area nor tear any of the delicate tissue that is part of it. (This doesn’t mean you need short nails, just not jagged or dirty.)
If you have any kind of vaginal infection, such as a yeast infection, it is important before trying to become pregnant that you get it cleared up and learn about your cervix positioning.
Ready? This is the uncomfortable part for many. Have a laugh if you are new to it. Find a comfortable position that provides you with the best access to your cervix. This may be while sitting on a toilet, while squatting, or while putting one leg up on a chair. You want to insert your clean middle finger into your vagina to at least the length of the knuckle. Take note how the cervix feels to the touch. Is it hard or soft? While the vagina tends to have somewhat of a spongy feel to it that gives way easily to pressure, the cervix is more firm and rounded. Some people say that when you are not fertile, the cervix feels like the tip of your nose, and when you are fertile, it feels softer, more like that of your lips.
After your menstrual cycle is completed, you will find that your cervix is rather dry for a few days, followed by more and more wetness (cervical mucus) as each day passes, until it begins to have a slippery, almost stretchy quality to it.
As your cycle progresses, your cervical mucus changes in texture because your body is producing more estrogen. This is the point, right before ovulation, when you are most fertile. Checking cervix positioning is not that complicated, but rather just a matter of knowing how your body, particularly your cervix, feels at all times.
Check out our other articles on charting your fertility and ovulation in our navigation area.