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Fertility Research: Should You Try It?

Brenda Albano

October 21, 2019

Fertility Research

This is about my opinions about fertility research and I am in no way encouraging others to treat themselves or to not seek the advice of their health care provider. I do encourage you to seek the advice of your health care provider before trying anything I or anyone else suggests. With that said here are my thoughts.

Trying to conceive can be a very stressful and frustrating time. I blindly conceived, carried and gave birth to my first baby, full of ignorance about my body and about my choices. I conceived my second baby two weeks after a miscarriage, which I still didn’t have a clue as to why I had the miscarriage and wondered if my baby would actually be carried. Thankfully I did carry her, though prematurely. She is fine and healthy now.

It was during the trials of conceiving my third baby that I experienced minor infertility. After speaking with many other women on this same journey and speaking with my own physician, I realized that if I were to get to the bottom of my infertility it would have be up to me. I fumed at the stories of women who had miscarriage after miscarriage and nothing was done to determine why. A lot of them were told there was nothing wrong with them, therefore there was nothing further to do to prevent another miscarriage. I loathed the attitude that “Well, you already have children, so there’s no need to test you or find out why you can’t have more.”

Doctors are wonderful people, but they are human, they can make mistakes. It really pays to research for yourself ways of treatment and cures. Don’t just assume that because your physician prescribed it that it must be okay. A lot of medical fertility treatments can be very harmful and it is important for your health’s sake to do everything possible naturally first. Most “mainstream” physicians don’t practice or even have much knowledge about natural remedies. I’ve been shocked with the number of physicians who don’t know about natural progesterone cream. Catherine P. Rollins really drives this point home in her candid letter to her visitors. I have to say, I agree with her here.

If you have been trying to conceive for longer than six months, if you have had more than one miscarriage, even early miscarriages, then you owe it to yourself to find out all you can about natural cures and remedies and about your rights as a patient. I strongly encourage education in the area of human reproduction. Find out all you can and about all your choices. The internet is full of information, some good, some bad. Don’t just take my word for it, research it for yourself!

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