Endometriosis fertility affects 5% of the females of childbearing age. That’s quite a few if you stop and think about it.
If you have been diagnosed with endometriosis, you may have a little problem conceiving. What exactly is endometriosis, and how is it dealt with?
Endometriosis is a growth of the endometrium (what normally grows every month inside the uterus known as the uterine lining) on the outside of the uterus – in places such as the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and mostly contained in the pelvic cavity. A woman can have no symptoms of endometriosis, or the symptoms can range from minor to sharp pain, especially during menstruation and intercourse. Endometriosis causes unusually long bleeding periods. To learn more about endometriosis fertility read about Endometriosis Treatment or Endometriosis Pack.
The symptoms of endometriosis vary. One case of severe endometriosis may not exude any symptoms, while a mild case may exude severe symptoms. The most common symptoms are pelvic pain and pain with intercourse, painful urination, unusually heavy menstrual bleeding, bleeding prior to menstruation, and infertility. Of women who suffer from severe menstrual cramps, 25%-35% are diagnosed with endometriosis and endometriosis fertility issues. Usually one of the first signs for a woman is painful intercourse with deep penetration. Endometriosis has been found to have a genetic trait and runs in families.
The good news is that pregnancy puts endometriosis into remission, once you conceive. That’s the biggest battle with endometriosis – conceiving. The bad news is that endometriosis causes infertility by affecting ovulation and causing a luteal phase defect. A luteal phase must be over 10 days in order to sustain a pregnancy – in a defect the luteal phase is under 10 days, and any fertilized egg that may make it will be miscarried at the time the menstrual cycle comes.
Endometriosis is diagnosed through an ultrasound of the pelvic region. If it is suspected, a laparoscopy will further confirm it. Treatment begins with ovulation suppression, which halts the growth of the endometrium tissue. It is the ovulation cycle that encourages the growth, thus causing all the symptoms. Treatments include birth control pills and medications that suppress ovulation, such as Danazol and Lupron. Laser treatments can be used when endometriosis is first diagnosed, especially if you need help getting pregnant. Consider a natural approach to endometriosis.
Most women are able to conceive with the treatments, though most also end up having to have a hysterectomy at some point in their lives. If you have endometriosis, it is suggested that you have your children fairly close together before the endometriosis gets to the point that the hysterectomy is needed.